Friday, December 27, 2019

This profession has an alarmingly high suicide rate

This profession has an alarmingly high suicide rateThis profession has an alarmingly high suicide rateMany of our jobs can be tough but some are most definitely harder than others, especially when dealing with life and death. According to a new study that collected data over a 30 year period,veterinarians are up to 3.5 times more likely to sie by suicide than members of the general population.The data looked at the death records of 11,600 veterinarians between 1979 and 2015 and found that 400 died by suicide. And specifically of those 400, 75% worked in companion animal practice.This study is especially interesting because it shows that women are 3.5 times as likely as the population at large to die from suicide, while male veterinarians are about twice as likely. This shows an increased suicide mortality rate amongst female veterinarians. It should also be noted that animal medicine has seen the biggest jump in percentage points of female employment composition (25.1 percentage poin ts) between 2000 and 2016.So why are these animal doctors having such a rough time? Well, their jobs arent easy. The report cited factors including long work hours, work overload, complaints and client expectations. Poor life balance as well as perfectionist tendencies were also mentioned. Veterinarians are also payed less than physicians.But why suicide specifically?Veterinarians are trained to view euthanasia as an acceptable method to relieve suffering in animals, which can affect the way veterinarians view human life, including a reduced fear about death, especially among those experiencing suicidal ideation, the report states.It found that 37% of the vets who committed suicide did it with pharmaceuticals that were used to euthanize dogs and cats but most of them used guns.This study shines a light on a complex issue in this profession, said CDC Director Robert R. Redfield, MD. Using this knowledge, we can work together to reduce the number of suicides among veterinarians.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

20 Top Career Experts for Working Moms to Follow on Twitter

20 Top Career Experts for Working Moms to Follow on Twitter20 Top Career Experts for Working Moms to Follow on TwitterWorking mothers definitely dont have it easy. Between balancing work and family demands, they also have to contend with the gender pay gemeinsame agrarpolitik, onramping issues, and biases in the workplace. Luckily, there are many career experts online who can offer guidance, solutions, and solace when it all gets a little too stressful.The next time youre on social media, check out these 20 female career experts for working moms to follow on TwitterAnne Marie Slaughter SlaughterAMPerhaps best known for her piece in The Atlantic entitled, Why Women Still Cant Have it All, Anne Marie Slaughter is the president and CEO of New America, a think ?and action tank dedicated to renewing America in the digital age.Better Life Lab BetterLifeLabThe Better Life Lab seeks to restructure the U.S. workplace, changing it into a healthier, happier, and family-friendly work environment . It creates original research and policy analysis in order to create mora practical solutions that can help companies become more supportive of working parents, and in particular, working mothers.BrigidSchulte BrigidSchulteFeeling overwhelmed, working mom? Youre not alone. Brigid Schulte penned the book on the subject Overwhelmed Work, Love Play When No One Has the Time. Schulte speaks globally about time management, productivity hacks, and how to rethink gender roles for a more equal division of duties.Claire Cain Miller clairecmClaire Cain Miller is a correspondent for the New York Times, where she writes about gender, families, and the future of work for The Upshot, an NYT site dedicated to analysis of policy and economics. Shewas also a part of a 2018 Pulitzer Prize wining-team for reporting on workplace sexual harassment issues.Danielle Paquette DPAQreportDanielle Paquette is a Washington Post reporter writing about work, culture, gender issues, and power in the workplace. H er writing focuses on national labor issues.Emily PeckEmilyRPeckEmily Peck is a senior reporter at Huffington Post covering business, economics, and gender inequality. She is also a former Wall Street Journal editor.Gloria FeldtGloriaFeldtANew York Times bestselling author and womens rights advocate, Gloria Feldt founded Take the Lead, a nonprofit initiative with a goal to propel women to leadership parity by 2025. Feldt is also the former CEO and president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and lectures frequently on topics such as women, feminism, politics, leadership, media, and health.InkwellTeam InkwellTeamCalling themselves a flexible work innovator, Inkwell seeks connect flexible workers with companies that need part-time or project-based help. Inkwell looks for professional candidates, with a special focus on extraordinary women.Its Working Project itsworkingprojFounded by Julia Beck, Its Working Project by Forty Weeks is committed to helping the private sector su ccessfully bring new parents back to work with as seamless a transition as possible.Katherine Goldstein KGeeeKatherine Goldstein is journalist who focuses on women and work. She is working on a podcast about millennial working mothers, and teaches at the Harvard Extension School.Kelly Wallace kellywallacetvKelly Wallace is a digital correspondent and editor-at-large for CNN. An award-winning digital journalist and television correspondent, Wallace writes in-depth articles that showcase family, career, and work-life balance.Laura Vanderkam lvanderkamLaura Vanderkam is the bestselling author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, All the Money in the World, 168 Hours, and Grindhopping. She is a frequent contributor to Fast Company and is a member of USA Todays board of contributors.Lauren Brody LaurensbrodyThe fifth trimester is when the working mom is born, according to Lauren Brody, founder of The Fifth Trimester. She is also the author of The Fifth Trimester The Wo rking Moms Guide to Style, Sanity, and Big Success After Baby.Rachael Ellison REworkingparentCareer coach and work-life advocate, Rachael Ellison is the founder of ReWorking Parents, where she helps career-minded individuals to iron out the bumps in their careers, help reduce the stress in their lives, and find clarity to determine the next necessary steps in their careers- and lives.Randi Zuckerberg randizuckerbergSure, she might be the sister of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, but Randi Zuckerberg is well-known in her own right. In addition to being a speaker and radio host, the work-life advocate recently published her latest book Pick Three You Can Have It All (Not Just Every Day).Rebecca Greenfield rzgreenfieldAs host of The Pay Check podcast, Rebecca Greenfields podcast highlights the gender pay gap, including origins of the gap and newsworthy stories about how the disparity in pay between men and women is affecting real families.Samantha Ettus samanthaettusSamantha Ettus i s a bestselling American author, speaker, TV contributor, and syndicated radio host, widely known as a work-life balance expert and successful businesswoman. She has written four books The Experts Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do, The Experts Guide to Life at Home, The Experts Guide to Doing Things Faster, and The Experts Guide to the Baby Years.Tami M. Forman TamiMFormanTami M. Forman is the executive director of Path Forward, a nonprofit that creates mid-career internship programs for women (and men) looking to onramp back into the workforce after pausing their careers to raise children or be in other caregiving roles.Tory Johnson toryjohnsonStarting with her 2008 book, Will Work from Home, Tory Johnson has become well-known for being a workplace advocate. Johnson owns two career-focused businessesWomen For Hire, which connects qualified candidates with top employers and Spark Hustle, an organization that guides entrepreneurs to start and grow small businesses.W orking Mother _workingmother_Working Mother magazine is a national magazine for career-committed mothers. gives working mothers home and work advice, solutions, and ideas.Looking for more career and job search advice? Check out our blog

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Anatomy of a Resume, how to decode and understand

Anatomy of a Resume, how to decode and understandAnatomy of a Resume, how to decode and understandAnatomy of a Resume, how to decode and understandShare this infographic on your sitebr /br /br /br /br /br /a href=https// /br /br /br /br /br /img src=/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Resume-infographics-3_1207x2692.png alt=The Anatomy Of A Great Resume width=500 border=0 /br /br /br /br /br /br //abr /Sourcebr /br /br /br /br /br /a href=https// exceptional resume service from professional writers/abr /br /br /br /br /br /Embed this infographic on your sitebr /br /br /br /br /br /a href=https// /br /br /br /br /br /img src=/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Resume-infographics-3_1207x2692.png alt=The Anatomy Of A Great Resume width=500 border=0 /br /br /br /br /br /br //abr /Sourcebr /br /br /br /br /br /a href=https// excep tional resume service from professional writers/abr /br /br /br /br /br /Contact Infassonation SectionName Mandatory information right? Believe it or notlage names can create complications. Make sure you use your Legal Name, if you have a name that is hard to pronounce, put the short form for your name on your resume.Address The full address is phasing out of the resume structure, its becoming increasing common to simply put your City, Province/State and Country.Contact Info Put your most relevant phone number and email. Keep your email address formal, with your first and last name, try to avoid emails like emailprotected or emailprotectedProfile vs ObjectiveWhich one do I use, profile or objectives? This section often creates the most confusion. Here are a few guidelines to help determine what to choose.Objective Best for young professionals and industry transitions. The objective section states what you are looking for. Avoid statements like Looking for an opportunity to advance m y career skills in a stelle as a Customer Service Representative. Instead try something like Customer Service Professional with over seven years experience providing excellent customer experiences, looking for an opportunity to join an organization that places strong values on team collaboration and professional development. Tell a strong fact about yourself, then mention something about the organization.Profile The profile is ideal for people who have been in the same line of work for 3 or more years, or who have shown a steady progression in their career. Keep it interesting with two to three sentences of the most impressive industry details. Feel free to add in strengths you have and specific characteristics. You can even take it a step further and state any awards you have or accomplishments if they relate directly to the job you are applying to.Professional Skills SectionThis is the chance to shine Employers want to see what you can offer them in the first three quarters of the first page Some employers might not even go to the second page if they dont see what they needHere are some tips to make this section standoutKeep it relevant and unique. Look at that the employer is looking for and state how you can meet those requirements in your own words.Use only one bullet point for communication skills, team work and anything related to these skills. Also, keep only one point for skills like organization, detail oriented or anything related These things can become over used and pretty soon your resume will sound and look like the rest of the applicantsHave knowledge of a topic, but have never performed it at work? Create a section for it with a combinational resume. This also works if you are new to an industry. Rather than one Professional Skills section, you have 2 to 4 topics with the supporting info Very much like a research paper outline.Use numbers, especially if its a sales or numbers related job, give one to two impressive examples.Have education or a course that the employer is looking for specifically? Put it in the professional skills section.Areas of Knowledge SectionThis section is the perfect place to put industry keywords that will allow you to be found in an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and will allow the employer to directly see what you are an expert in. More on this hereTechnology and Software SectionThis area is suitable for positions that have mandatory requirements for specific types of software. If you only know Microsoft Office, simply include that in your Professional Qualifications.Professional/Work Experience SectionKeeping this section organized and simple, yet detailed with the right information will give you a leg up against the competition. When listing work experience the must haves are the Company Name, Position Title, City, and Start and End Dates. You should have six to eight solid points to describe what you did just make sure that you do not repeat the professional qualifications section.Include numbers and percentages in the top points, then followed by what you achieved or did.Avoid statements like Worked in teams and demonstrated excellent communication skills, you are much more impressive than thatIf you mentioned something in the professional qualification section that is important, and pertains to this position this would be the time to be more specific on the details.The formula for writing the best statement is PAR, Problem Action Result. Write the statements in this formula and you will clearly show your capabilities.What to not include in the Professional/Work Experience Section? Job and company description, keep the focus on what you did, the duties will describe the work you did.Education SectionThis section can be come over complicated if you are not careful. Simplicity is the key, List the Degree, School, City, and Year Completed. Have an impressive GPA, Thesis, Publication, or course you completed? Write it below the degree, avoid going into description and w riting the course description. If the program isnt complete yet write the year as Expected Graduation Year. Once you have completed your post-secondary education, remove the high school diploma from your resume.Have a program you didnt complete? No problem, all education has value, add it in but use the word Program rather than Degree, Diploma or Certificate.For any courses, certifications, licenses or designations create a new section, list the course, issuing authority, and year completed.Volunteer ExperienceVolunteer experience is important, it is valuable and has a positive impact in society. Chances are if you are a recent grad you will have lots of volunteer experience. If its relevant to your career, list it as a job. The only change you could make is to mention volunteer or intern next to the position name. If the volunteer work is not related to your career, then create a simple volunteer section and limit the description to one or two sentences. The volunteer section is al so great if you are looking to make an industry change and dont have any paid experience.Things to AvoidPersonal Interests SectionReferences avalaible upon request or references section Only provide references if you are asked.Pictures, date of birth, blood type, marital status, Childrens and Parents Names these are required in some countries, if applying abroad check the CV and resume requirements for the country.Limit the use of Responsible for or starting a sentence with I, We or Our More on this here

Friday, December 13, 2019

51 Things to Do When You Need a Break at Work - The Muse

51 Things to Do When You Need a Break at Work - The Muse51 Things to Do When You Need a Break at WorkWhen you work hard, its important to take a few breaks throughout the day. But lets be honest Is 10 minutes of scrolling through Facebook really a break?Weve pulled together a list of better ways to take five, 10, or 15 at the office. Whether you want to rev your energy, do something productive, or just totally check out for a few, try these ideas for a well-spent break.EnergizingTry doing some desk stretches to reverse that computer hunch.Head outside and walk two laps around your block or building. Too cold outside? Get the saatkorn energizing effect by walking up and down a few flights of stairs.Offer to go on a coffee run for the whole office. Youll get the caffeine you need- plus some serious brownie points with your team.Need to make some phone calls? Step outside or into the conference room and do them while walking back and forth. The combination of movement and chatting will be a boost of energy before you head back to your desk.Take a quick, 15-minute nap (in your car or somewhere else where no one can landsee you). Youll feel much more awake and ready to get back to the grind.Find some inspiring stories to read to get you motivated and excited. These TED Talks are a great place to start and will get you revved up to do just about anything.Brain-BoostingCheck out Lumosity The free online exercises are designed by neuroscientists to improve core cognitive functions, including memory, problem solving, and attention.Head over to your Pocket (or whatever else you use to save articles to read for later), and catch up on some of those articles youve been meaning to read. Youll get a nice break- and maybe even learn something you can apply when you get back to work.Watch the seven to 10 minute opening sequence of a late night show from the night before for a quick news recap and a quick laugh.Grab some brain-boosting snacks to nibble on. Blueberries, black cu rrents, leafy greens, and nuts have all been shown to help your brain function better.Keep a non-work book in the office to read from on short breaks. Itll feel good to leid stare at a computer screen for 15 minutes, and a great book can be totally inspiring.Write something Crank out a blog post. Check out Alexandra Franzens awesome list of topics to get you thinking), pen a short story about the happenings in your office, or hey, even get started on that novel youve always wanted to write.Download the language learning app Duolingo and take a lesson or two. Even if you dont remember much more than cerveza, por favor from your high school Spanish class, the app will have you easily increasing your international vocabulary in just a couple minutes a day.SocialSee if a cube-mate needs a break, too, and go grab coffee or have a walking meeting. For bonus points, use the time to pick this persons brain on something youve been thinking about, whether its dealing with a difficult client o r going back to grad school.Spread some office cheer and send a co-worker a funny e-card.Step outside and call your mom, dad, grandparent, sibling, or other family member just to say hi and see how the day is going. Theyll appreciate it.Send an schmelzglas to your 10 closest co-workers, asking for the best joke theyve ever heard. Buy coffee for the winner.Send a thank you leide to someone whos helped you out recently- your assistant whos gone above and beyond or a co-worker who proofread a report for you. It doesnt even have to be something big- in fact, bonus points if its not.Recommend two of your favorite professional contacts on LinkedIn. Not sure where to start? Think about the one thing you most enjoy about working with them or something they do better than anyone else you know, and talk about that.You have time to spare, but what about your colleagues? If any of the other departments are in an all-hands-on-deck phase, help out. Your colleagues will definitely appreciate it (a nd hopefully return the favor next time you need some extra help).ProductiveOrganize your smartphone. Take a few minutes to delete any apps you never use, sort your latest photos by event or date, and file apps in folders. Shift any apps you use daily to the front screen. And hey, why not update your background photo while youre at it?Pick one project thats on your plate, and do a 10-minute brainstorm on it. Head to a conference room, grab a stack of Post-its and a marker, and let your brain get to business.Its a good idea to update your online passwords every so often, and a slow afternoon is a great opportunity. Best practice is to create a phrase that combines upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and at least one special character. Try not to use the same password for your email and all your social networks, and keep track of the new passwords using a tool like 1Password, PassPack, or Password Genie.Actually take time to go through your office drawers. Clear out old gum, pens t hat dont work, un-bent paper clips, and anything else that you dont need.Upgrade your inbox by downloading some Google Labs. (Our personal faves? Canned Responses and Auto-Advance.)Unsubscribe from 10 newsletters in your inbox. That daily deals newsletter you havent actually read in six months? Get it out of there. The store email list you never signed up for but somehow got on anyway? Gone. Anything you havent read in a month or more? You probably dont need to be getting it every day.Spend a few minutes renaming and organizing your files. Your future self (who doesnt have to spend five minutes looking for that document when the boss is watching) will thank you.Outsource something. Whether its finding a nearby grocery delivery service or having a pro tinker with your PowerPoint presentation, free up some time in your schedule to do something you really love.Career-BuildingSpend some time on Pinterest But instead of looking at tasty recipes or crafty DIYs, think about boards you can create to inspire your career. Think creative resumes you love, work outfits that are sure to impress, and awesome companies you want to work for one day.Stalk some of your contacts online to see what theyve been up to recently. Did one of them publish a book? Totally re-design a website? Give a great talk at an event? Get caught up on their lives and then shoot a couple people an email congratulating them.Better yet, take a look at your LinkedIn feed to see what your connections have been posting about. Comment and congratulate anyone with news or new jobs. You never know when youll wish you stayed in touch with someone.Sit back in your chair and daydream for a few minutes. Were not talking about warm beaches or exciting vacations- instead, think about where your career might take you two, five, even 10 years from now. Do you want to be in a more creative role? Have a job that lets you travel? Start your own business? Dont focus on whats possible or what you might have to do to get there- just allow your mind to wander.Following LinkedIn influencers is an awesome way to soak up career wisdom from people who have had major success themselves. Head on over and follow a few.Spruce up your LinkedIn profile. You never know when it might come in handy.Find a class you want to take or conference you want to attend, and then sign up for it (or make a plan for how youll save up for it). Bonus points if you convince your boss to foot the bill.RelaxingDo nothing for two minutes. No, really forces you to sit, relax, and gaze at a beautiful photo to really clear your head. The second you move your mouse away? You fail and have to start all over.Stressed about something? Type it into The Thoughts Room at the Quiet Page Project and watch it lau into the stars.Pick a new desktop background- an inspiring cityscape, a motivating quote, or your favorite vacation spot. In fact, pick a few, and rotate them out every month or so.Head to your favorite coffe e shop and treat yourself to a peppermint mocha, a chai tea latte, or any other warm drink you really love. Actually sit and savor every sip of it.Browse National Geographics photography archives and get schwefelyperit in another part of the world for a few minutes.Take out a notepad and pen and write for a few minutes. Dont worry if nothing brilliant comes to mind- even just writing down your feelings or what youre grateful for can be incredibly relaxing.Downright DistractingTap into your imagination and add some fun, inspirational ideas to your lifes to-do list, using a digital organizing tool like Evernote, Google Docs, or Bucketlistly. Need some inspiring fodder for potential bucket list additions? Check out, Lifeds ultimate bucket list, and Tumblrs bucket list tags.Get lost in Buzzfeed. Enough said.Make your ultimate work playlist to help you power through the rest of the day. Think about songs you can really jam to, but also about songs that wont distract you fr om your work. (For example, if you need to do a lot of writing, go for tunes without lyrics.)Change-up your desk accessories to immediately make your cubicle feel very very cool.Read this incredibly awesome cover letter (that no one will ever actually send).Head over to The Oatmeal and laugh at some seriously quality online comics.Paint a Picasso-worthy work of art. No, really Try itHead to the supply closet and pick out a few new office supplies. Or, do some online shopping and treat yourself to something nicer than your boss would probably spring for.Make a beautiful sculpture out of items in your office, like this paper clamp tree.Challenge a co-worker to a chair race. Need we say more?Bonus Next time you need a break at work, pick a number between one and 51 and do whatever corresponds with that number. Chances are, youll feel much more refreshed than if you spent five minutes scrolling through social media.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Insider Secrets of Creating Resume Discovered

The Insider Secrets of Creating Resume Discovered What will is how simple it is for recruiters to parse through your resume and discover the information that they are searching for. Its only required to include enough info to catch the interest of prospective employers and create enough interest in your skills they are going to want to grant you that interview. Well, its essential to know the qualities of best resume for LinkedIn, so it would be simple to decide on the very best online resume service. Include keywords like such technologies applicable to do the job. Creating Resume - Is it a Scam? Your objective is to quantifiably prove that you are able to. Dont be scared to speak about an extensive assignment or research below a professor in case you dont have a lot of experience. In addition to mentioning your proficiency, you will also need to showcase your previous performance. You must have enough organizational skills to use your teams data and make an outcome. The Birth of Creating Resume There are a few things that you are able to do to tackle that. Your true experience shouldnt be continued on the second page. The format you have to use is determined entirely by the essence of your work experience. Possessing a format which makes sense and clearly highlights all the essential details of every experience makes it effortless for the reader to obtain the crucial information that shows your abilities. Emphasize experience most closely linked to the sort of work you seek. Hope you will give it a go and make your awesome resumes later on. Or you could do one thing you can ask your friend to read your resume to ensure there are not any mistakes. If it is time to put everything together, you will be in a ort to rapidly highlight your strengths here. New Ideas Into Creating Resume Never Before Revealed Thus, its much better to adjust your resume to every particular job opening. Unless youre an expert graphic designer, your resume does no t have to look like it was made by a group of creatives. The aim of your resume is to secure you the interview. At the close of the day, the recruiter wishes to observe the way your background is pertinent to the position. Choosing Good Creating Resume You dont require any coding skills whatsoever. Utilizing the links above, you will be in a position to compose a professional resume from start to complete. Avoid, if youre able to, common resume templates. You can select from different templates on the left-hand side of the site. Active listening skills If the medical staff can be too busy and concentrated on the technical characteristics of providing care, the volunteers are the ones which should make time to follow the patient. Youll have to demonstrate how youve taken on responsibility previously and the way you are able to be trusted to select the health and safety of your clients and colleagues seriously. Remember that in the veranstaltung that you have lots of exper t experience, your education section only has to be minimal. Like most professionals, you most likely havent updated your resume in many years. The War Against Creating Resume Additional Information (Optional) Include additional info which you think might boost your odds of being hired. Any information you are feeling worth mentioning mention. Objective Statement (Optional) An objective can be found at the very top of your resume below your contact details. Even in the event that you allude to confidential info, it might be dangerous. At times you can create your resume general to a kind of role within an industry, but it depends how badly you want the job which you are applying for. Bear in mind, based on the field youre applying in, you will need to use not just project management keywords, but industry certain keywords too. If needs to inform your travels, what it is you are looking for and what you need to offer regarding competencies, values and impact in a very clear and concise method. Your customers are going to have diverse selection of needs and issues. Provided that you own a folder in which you know an updated resume with the very same namewill be, youre good. There are some easy things you can do without editing the design to still improve resume readability and make it simpler to skim. Notice how the name is the largest and the other formatting is actually simple. Selecting the right resume format is important if you prefer to receive the desired job. Being very explicit with what youve accomplished is the best method to communicate on your resume. Make sure the emphasised content is an unaffiliated overview of your resume. Therefore, if youre writing a resume for the very first time and dont understand how and where to begin, dont get discouraged. Writing a resume for the very first time is an intimidating job. The very first section is a Summary of Qualifications which gives you a succinct summary of your qualifications. A laundry list of earlier experience is no longer a real reflection of competencies required for employers to pick the ideal candidate for the job. Theres no universal Resume. Infographic resumes become more and more common.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

7 Signs Of Bad Resumes That You Need To Look Out For

7 Signs Of Bad Resumes That You Need To Look Out ForWhen youre reviewing hundreds of resumes a week, you need to be able to spot the bad ones quickly. Not knowing which red flags signal possible bad hires can lead to a lot of wasted time and money.But, depending on the position and the candidate, some resume mistakes are forgivable. So how do you know when to give a job seeker aleidher chance or just move on?unterstellung are the resume signs that hiring experts use to help them weed out the wrong candidates1. Confusing flowFirst, make sure the resume is chronological and not confusing to read. I have seen job seekers passed over because of this. The resume should also highlight why the job seekers is a fit for the specific role they are applying for, not just an overview of their experience and skills. Also, grammar mistakes or not following established parameters will knock a resume out, but being under qualified isnt necessarily a deal breaker. If the person is under qualified but a rockstar in other ways (intangible qualities, technical skills, etc.) a company could still hire them because of their potential.Carly Tansil, Recruiting Coordinator, Betts RecruitingA resume should be chronological and not confusing to read. BettsRecruiting hiring tipsClick To Tweet2. Bad formattingMany resumes experience death by bullet point, poor formatting, tiny font, and including out-of-date resume sections, like an Objective or References. Bad resume formatting is a big deal breaker.For hiring managers who care about good writing, they cant look past the mistakes to even consider the rest of a candidates qualifications. This includes seemingly small things like inconsistent use of punctuation and poor page breaks. Ive also moved past many a detail-oriented and quick learning resume because, well, buzzwords.Aaron Cleavinger, Managing Partner and Executive Recruiter, Murdoch Mason Executive Search GroupInconsistent formatting is a big red flag when reviewing resumes. murdoc hmason recruiting tipsClick To Tweet3. Generic resumesThe first trash can is for resumes that significantly under-represent the job postings requirements. Those people typically are just spamming, using the shotgun approach, rather than tailoring their resume to the opportunity or going after opportunities that fit their skill platzdeckchen and work history. It is rare that a hiring manager will take a risk with an obviously unproven candidate. The second group to get tossed are those resumes that you cant decipher. A resume should at least indicate that your experience qualifies you for the posted role. And it should be clear, clean, and focused. If it takes too long to figure it out, its out.Mike McRitchie, Career and Small Business Strategist, MikeMcRitchie.comBeware of a resume that isnt tailored to the posted position. MikeMcRitchieClick To Tweet4. Unwarranted overconfidenceA big resume deal breaker is when a candidate appears to be full of themselves or not humble. For example I am sure I can make a positive impact on your bottom line or I will be a great addition to your team. Those things are for me, as the employer, to decide not for them to presume. Rocco Baldassarre, Founder and CEO, Zebra AdvertisementWatch out for jobseekers who are overly confident dont back up their presumptions.Click To Tweet5. Lack of true interestFor me, being underqualified generally isnt a dealbreaker, but a lack of effort is. A lack of spelling and grammar errors on a resume certainly isnt reason alone to hire someone, but too many errors shows that the candidate isnt serious about the position. This goes beyond the resume itself, and has to come out most notably in the short questionnaire we ask applicants to fill out. If someone wants to answer with one-word responses, that tells us all we need to know about their interest in the position.Marc Prosser, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Fit Small BusinessWhen hiring, an underqualified candidate isnt a deal breaker, but n ot showing effort is.Click To Tweet6. Too many clichesResumes that use vague cliches like team player or hard worker indicate a lack of specific qualifications and no unique qualities. Think about what you need for the job if its technical skills, be sure that is stated on the resume and there is relevant experience to back it up. If you need an innovator, look for experience and skills that are big picture, developing and creating work.Laura MacLeod, Creator, From the Inside Out ProjectAvoid resumes that use vague cliches like team player and hard worker. FTIOProjectClick To Tweet7. Excessive job hoppingThe biggest issue that I see is having many jobs in a short period of time. I once saw a resume that listed twelve different jobs in twelve months. I was decently impressed at the candidates ability to actually get a new job so quickly. However, the number of different position that this person had was enough to elevate my heart rate. Did the person quit or were they fired? Either way, the answer is elend good Will our business just be another notch in the candidates belt? There needs to be some continuity in the resume. I absolutely need to see some loyalty to a certain business, even if its just a few months.Pierre Tremblay, Director of Human Resources, Dupray12 different jobs in 12 months is a major red flag when hiring. DupraysteamClick To Tweet What are some other signs of bad resumes that cant be ignored? Share in the comments below